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General Administration of Digital Transformation and Information Technology
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Deanship of E-Learning and Transformation
Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
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About the University
University President
Vice Presidency for Educational Affairs
University Vice Presidency
Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Deanship of Admissions and Registration
College of Business
College of Computing and Information Technology
College of Engineering
College of Sciences
College of Medicine
College of Applied Medical Sciences in Al-Namas
College of Education and Human Development
College of Arts and Letters
Applied College
Applied College in Balqarn
Applied College in Al-Namas
Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Deanship of Admissions and Registration
Deanship of Development and Quality
Deanship of E-Learning and Transformation
Deanship of Student Affairs
Legal Department
Investment Management
International Cooperation Department
Cybersecurity Department
Inventory Control Department
Training and Scholarships Department
Planning and Budget Department
Strategic Planning Department
General Administration of Human Resources
University Properties and Endowments Management
General Department of Facilities and Services
Public Relations and Beneficiary Services Management
General Administration of Administrative and Financial Affairs
General Administration of Digital Transformation and Information Technology
Media Center
Measurement and Evaluation Center
Institute of Research and Consultations
Admissions and Registration Portal
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Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
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Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
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Departments and Units of the Administration
Vice Dean of Deanship of Graduate Studies and scientific Research
Vice Deanships for Academic Affairs and Strategies partnership
Vice Dean of Deanship of Graduate Studies and scientific Research - Girl Sections
It is concerned with planning and managing general policies for postgraduate studies and scientific research operations, ensuring quality performance in academic and research procedures, in addition to supervising research projects. By providing electronic services, programs and research initiatives, in addition to excellence in intellectual property and interest in development and training.
Departments and units affiliated with the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Agency
Electronic Services Unit
Managing the powers of the employees of the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research and those assigned to work related to postgraduate programs in colleges and departments and completing what is necessary to update user data within the work of the Deanship.
Working on developing electronic services in the Deanship to reach the automation of all procedures by identifying the executive steps and analyzing the systems for each service.
Working with the Academic System Administration and the operating company to implement development operations, examination of services, screens, and reports.
Working on issuing reports and data to the parties that request them according to the policy approved by the Deanship
Preparing and updating the electronic systems guides for the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (technical support for the Deanship’s employees)
Analyzing data and statistics of electronic systems
To follow up and supervise the Deanship’s website in Arabic and English.
Updating data and information on the Deanship’s website on an ongoing basis in Arabic and English.
Publishing news of the Deanship and its units on the Deanship’s website and social media sites.
Following up the Deanship’s accounts on social media sites and responding to beneficiaries’ inquiries.
Organizing and preserving documents and information related to graduate students.
Archiving documents and information related to male and female graduate students using the latest methods and capabilities used within the university.
Development and Training Unit
Preparing and adjusting the quality guide document that describes the work system according to the requirements of ISO 2008:9001.
Preparing and adjusting the quality management system procedures guide that describes the work procedures in the Deanship.
Preparing and adjusting the administrative units guide and related works that describe the works related to the administrative units in the Deanship.
Preparing and adjusting administrative procedures forms and updating them on the Deanship’s website on an ongoing basis.
Preparing the quality policy in light of the Deanship of Graduate Studies' directions for quality and its priorities, and working to disseminate it among the Deanship's employees, beneficiaries and partners.
Developing the organizational structure of the Deanship in light of the Deanship's strategic directions and development activities.
Following up on the implementation of the Deanship's quality objectives.
Preparing and implementing the internal audit program on the Deanship's units.
Implementing procedures for addressing non-conformity cases and corrective and preventive measures on administrative work in the various Deanship's units.
Measuring the satisfaction of beneficiaries and partners with the Deanship's performance.
Accurate description of administrative functions and related tasks.
Implementing and following up on the activities of the Creativity and Excellence Awards in Job Performance in the Deanship.
Preparing and reviewing all guides for academic programs.
Preparing and reviewing all guidebooks for students and faculty members in graduate studies.
Reviewing and coordinating all guides and regulations related to graduate studies before printing them.
Preparing periodic reports (quarterly and annual) on graduate students (Saudis, scholarship students and researchers) who have applied, been accepted, registered, regular, and graduated, as well as those who have withdrawn and are not regular.
Preparing periodic reports (quarterly and annual) on the research activities of male and female graduate students through communication with the university colleges.
Preparing a comprehensive report for each administrative unit in the Deanship.
Preparing the annual report of the Deanship.
Enabling the Deanship to achieve its vision and mission.
Disseminating the culture of development and quality and applying it in all areas of performance in the Deanship.
Following up on the implementation of training plans in various fields.
Communicating with corresponding units inside and outside the Kingdom.
Intellectual Property Unit
Preparing operational plans to enhance scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship activities in the Deanship.
Measuring and evaluating scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship activities, and developing improvement plans based on the measurement results.
Raising awareness of the culture of scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship, and protecting intellectual property rights in the Deanship.
Preparing quarterly reports on the work of the unit, difficulties - if any - and proposals for improvement and development.
Coordinating with the relevant authorities in the Deanship and the university colleges in related activities and events.
Attracting distinguished individuals from colleges to participate internally and externally in the university's activities and events in the fields of scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Preparing the necessary guidelines to clarify the steps and procedures related to scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Preparing a database to list all research activities, innovators, entrepreneurs, and patent holders in colleges and updating it periodically.
Enhancing the Deanship's activities and developing its capabilities in the fields of scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Preparing periodic and annual reports on the unit's activities and performance levels, and submitting them to the Vice Dean.
Following up on the implementation of policies and strategies related to intellectual property protection in the Deanship.
Working to update the unit's tasks in line with the developments and needs of the departments, and what is required by the supporting deanships and administrative units at the university.
Follow up on the implementation of academic and administrative procedures related to scientific messages, and the quality of scientific supervision of graduate programs in colleges.
Research Programs and Initiatives Unit.
Preparing, reviewing and updating the rules governing scientific research ethics at the university.
Raising awareness of scientific research ethics at the university and encouraging relevant activities to introduce the role of scientific research ethics committees and to introduce the importance of adhering to the provisions contained in the systems and regulations related to scientific research ethics.
Adopting and submitting the recommendations of the subcommittees regarding penalties for those who violate scientific research ethics to the relevant parties inside or outside the university as the committee deems appropriate.
Coordinating with the relevant parties at the university regarding the work of the scientific research ethics committees.
Following up on the work of the subcommittees and their commitment to the systems and regulations.
Adopting, amending or rejecting the recommendations submitted to them by the subcommittees.
Recording the research that has been approved for ethical conduct, in accordance with the Research Ethics System on Living Creatures and its executive regulations in the database.
Supervising the processes and procedures for creating and amending graduate programs, executive programs and continuing education, and academic affairs for graduate students in cooperation with the permanent committees emanating from the Council of the Deanship of Graduate Studies, and following up on the implementation of academic and research partnerships concluded by the Deanship with universities, research centers and various business sectors. It is also concerned with financial and academic affairs and following up on the admission, registration and graduation of graduate students.
Departments and units affiliated with the Agency of the Deanship of Graduate Studies for Academic Affairs and Strategic Partnerships
Academic Affairs Unit
Closing the semester and calculating cumulative grade points
Implementing the recommendations of the Permanent Committee for Graduate Studies
Implementing the apology for the semester and the apology for a course during the semester
Implementing the postponement of the semester or acceptance for an academic year
Implementing academic operations such as re-enrollment, extension and additional opportunities.
Automatic total withdrawal of a student from the university
Implementing the change of specialization between the university’s colleges, departments and branches
Preparing the academic calendar for postgraduate studies for each semester
Preparing the necessary statements for postgraduate students in the postgraduate studies stage
Preparing detailed reports on the academic status of students
Supervising the implementation of the provisions regarding supervision placement and thesis registration for each semester.
Monitoring the grade after the student's discussion decision after its approval by the department, college and Deanship of Graduate Studies
Implementing transfer and equivalency requests for courses on the academic system
Preparing an annual report on the unit's achievements.
Graduation Unit
Following up on student graduation procedures and ensuring that the student has completed all the requirements necessary for graduation
Implementing the academic calendar on the academic system
Submitting documents and work related to the document
Preparing a database with the names of current and former graduates containing electronic and other communication data
Coordinating with the Graduate Affairs Unit in the Deanship of Student Affairs for the graduation ceremony
Financial Affairs Unit
Supervising the audit of the disbursement of bonuses and entitlements for faculty members who teach in graduate programs, and following up on all financial matters of the Deanship from auditing and following up on the payment and collection of tuition fees from male and female students, and the entities that have concluded agreements with the university regarding the enrollment of its members in graduate studies at Bisha University.
Measuring the financial quality of graduate programs.
Following up on the payment of tuition fees for graduate students (regular - parallel) and notifying the admission unit of that.
Follow up on the collection of tuition fees from the universities where students study at the university according to the concluded agreements.
Follow up on the payment of the financial counterpart on the academic system for postgraduate programs with fees
Entering financial coverage for postgraduate students on the student accounting system in the academic system
Managing the student accounting program on the academic system in the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies
Processing apologies and withdrawals on the student accounting system in the academic system
Admission and Registration Unit
Linking with Yusr and reflecting the data of male and female students from the Measurement Center in coordination with technical support
Providing information to colleges regarding the number of sections required for registration.
Follow up on the registration of study schedules, opening sections, and settling sections with lecturers and settling halls
Follow up on the registration of student schedules with registrants and ensuring that students are regular and meet the condition that their status is regular and sufficient for payment.
Tackling electronic problems specific to the electronic admission portal.
Preparing a proposal for comparison between those accepted and submitting it to the Permanent Committee for Postgraduate Studies
Preparing a proposal for preparing admission to postgraduate programs and submitting it to the Permanent Committee for Postgraduate Studies
Studying requests for external and internal transfer (to apply admission requirements to them)
Conforming official documents and papers for those accepted
Auditing and sorting applications for admission and applying the special and general admission requirements for annual admission
Coordinating with colleges to examine the files of applicants and applying admission criteria if necessary.
Holding introductory meetings for accepted postgraduate students and preparing the necessary bulletins and publications
Receiving admission applications, nomination procedures and issuing university numbers.
Receiving admission inquiries and responding to them.
Following up on the numbers of those accepted and withdrawn.
Preparing various admission statistics.
Developing a detailed plan at the beginning of each semester for the lecture scheduling process
Determining and estimating the number of seats available for each course in each semester
Setting registration processing standards for academic schedules.
Technical support for colleges
Following up and supervising the work of colleges in academic schedules
Preparing an annual report on the unit's achievements
Provides postgraduate studies and scientific research services to female postgraduate students at the university in coordination with the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Strategic Partnerships and the College Vice Dean, each in his/her capacity, and proposes and follows up on development work and the application of quality systems at the Vice Dean for Female Students Affairs, with a focus on meeting the academic and research needs of female students and providing a supportive educational and research environment, ensuring smooth follow-up of their academic and research affairs and facilitating access to various services. It also cares about developing and creating academic plans and programs and ensuring that they meet quality standards and working to provide reports that will work to develop the deanship.
Units affiliated to the Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research - Female Students Section
Academic Plans and Programs Development Unit
Introducing new plans for new and developed programs
Making amendments to existing plans
Introducing internal equations for courses at the university level
Supervising, coordinating and following up with colleges for the processes of creating postgraduate programs.
Studying the amendment of existing plans and programs
Studying the approval of programs and plans for the objectives of postgraduate studies
Studying the programs created by the colleges and submitting their views to the Permanent Committee for Postgraduate Studies
Following up on the arbitration of the created programs and addressing internal and external arbitrators
Studying the study plans and their conformity with the classification and framework according to the systems and regulations inside and outside the university.
Preparing the annual report on the achievements of the unit
Quality Assurance Unit
Setting standards and methods for implementing, conducting and evaluating research and studies in the Deanship in coordination with the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research.
Issuing books and brochures that deal with various publishing media.
Setting regulations governing research and publishing work.
Setting task and procedure guides for the measurement and research department.
Defining performance indicators for the research and community standards.
Receiving application forms for research excellence awards and rewards and allowances.
Verifying information through the (ISI) website and verifying their conformity with the conditions of awards, rewards and allowances.
Verifying financial entitlements.
Following up on the approval of forms after verifying their information.
Following up on submitting each case to the relevant authorities after receiving it
Developing application forms for awards, rewards and allowances.
Create a database for those who have received awards and rewards for research excellence and allowances
Any additional tasks required by the unit's work.
Disseminate the culture of quality in all units and departments of the Deanship
Reports Unit
Identify research areas in light of the university's strategies and community needs.
Receive research submitted for funding and send it for arbitration.
Sign contracts and determine the budgets of funded research.
Audit research reports and their financial procedures.
Follow up on research arbitration and communicate with arbitrators.
Follow up on research publication.
Search for and coordinate with sources of external funding.
Follow up on administrative procedures for externally funded research.
Coordinate between researchers and the externally funded entity.
Extract statistics on student admissions to the university.
Extract statistics on creating and following up on academic schedules.
Extract statistics on student registration, deletion and addition processes.
Extract statistics on student graduation and re-enrollment processes.
Extract statistics on semester and final exams.
Extract statistics on colleges.
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