Alharbi, H., & Alshamrani, M. (2020). The call for democracy in the educational system as part of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20(8).
Alshamrani, M., & Alharbi, H. (2020). Teacher education: The call for democracy in public and private education in Saudi Arabia and the United States. 16th Annual Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference, Spokane, Washington, USA.
Dunn, M., Davis, W., Allen, M., Olson, W., Yuan, W., Alharbi, H., & Aldousari, A. Exploring writing skills of STEM students at early stages. Poster presentation at the Washington State University Research Showcase, March 22-25, 2021.
Dunn, M., Yuan, W., Gregory, K., Mixter, B., Alharbi, H., & Aldousari, A. (March 2, 2023). Research-based solutions for learned helplessness among struggling writers [Poster session]. Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
Dunn, M., Davis, W., Allen, M., Olson, W., Yuan, W., Aldousari, A., Alharbi, H., & Austin, B. (2022). E-tools as a strategy: Online resources to support academic writing in introductory STEM courses. Submitted to the Journal of Literacy and Technology.
Alharbi, H., & Alshamrani, M. (2024). Saudi Vision 2030: Teachers' and leaders' perspectives on the higher diploma in special education [Paper session]. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), CEC 2024 Convention & Expo, San Antonio, Texas.
Alshamrani, M., & Alharbi, H. (2024). Saudi Vision 2030: Gifted students towards the transition to sustainable development [Poster session]. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), CEC 2024 Convention & Expo, San Antonio, Texas.