Integrity: The university upholds the highest standards of honesty and transparency in all academic and administrative dealings.
Respect: The university respects the dignity of all individuals and encourages constructive dialogue that fosters understanding.
Responsibility: Members of the university community are accountable for their actions and their impact on others.
Justice: The university is committed to equality, fair treatment, and adherence to laws and regulations.
Creativity and Excellence: The university encourages innovation and excellence in education, research, and administration.
Academic Integrity: Cheating, plagiarism, or any form of intellectual property infringement is strictly prohibited.
Professional Conduct: Professional conduct includes courtesy, cooperation, and respect for others' opinions.
Confidentiality and Data Protection: The university protects the privacy of information related to students, faculty, and staff.
The university invites all community members to foster ethical values through positive behavior and reporting violations.
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