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Applied College in Al-Namas
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About the University
University President
Vice Presidency for Educational Affairs
University Vice Presidency
Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Deanship of Admissions and Registration
College of Business
College of Computing and Information Technology
College of Engineering
College of Sciences
College of Medicine
College of Applied Medical Sciences in Al-Namas
College of Education and Human Development
College of Arts and Letters
Applied College
Applied College in Balqarn
Applied College in Al-Namas
Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Deanship of Admissions and Registration
Deanship of Development and Quality
Deanship of E-Learning and Transformation
Deanship of Student Affairs
Legal Department
Investment Management
International Cooperation Department
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Inventory Control Department
Training and Scholarships Department
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Strategic Planning Department
General Administration of Human Resources
University Properties and Endowments Management
General Department of Facilities and Services
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General Administration of Administrative and Financial Affairs
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Faculty members
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Dr. Saad Melhi Al Shahrani
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr.Eid Hamed Alosaimi
Associate Professor
the biography
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Alaklabi
the biography
Dr. Meshary Alosaimi
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Saud Abdullah M Alowyed
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Abdulaziz Mohammed Saeed Al-Qahtani
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Mohammad bin Saad Daghash Al-Harthy
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Dhafer Omair Abdullah Al-Shahrani
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Sultan Bin Ftayes Bin Kadasa
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Belal El-Gammal
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel-Baset Hassan
Assistant Professor
the biography
Prof. Dr. Abdulaziz R. M. alqahtani
the biography
Dr. Ayman Abdelaziz Osman Younes
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Yasser farid ahmed hassan
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Mohamed Dawood Elgabori
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Omer Abd Elkafi Magzoub
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Faouzi Ali Belgacem Hosni
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Faouzi Ali Belgacem Hosni
Assistant Professor
the biography
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aly Mohamed Abdou
the biography
Dr. Hamdan Ali Sultan Al-shamiri.
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Ahmed Mokhtar Shehata
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Kamel Mohammed Brahim
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Riyad Mohammed Ibrahim
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Ahmed Elhassanein Elsayed
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Akram Bakht Mohammed Sultan
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Abdelkader Salem Ben hassine
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Ousama Hamed Ezzat
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Essam Mohammed Alsaid Abdel-Baqi
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr Hajjaji Mohamed Ali Ahmed
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed Abdullah Mohammad
Associate Professor
the biography
Prof. Hosam Mohamed Safaa Mohamed Ali Ahmed
the biography
Dr. Mahmoud Abdelmonsif Bidir
Associate Professor
the biography
Dr. Elsayed Elnaggar
Assistant Professor
the biography
Dr. Mohamed Hussein Hussein Emara
Assistant Professor
the biography
Nabil Saeed Muraddid
the biography
Prof. Moahmed Salah
the biography
Mohammed Irmit Alsulami
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Hussain Ali A Maashi
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Abdullah Ali Rabie
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Mohammad Ghurmullah A. Alghamdi
the biography
Nayef Saad Salih Al Harthy
the biography
Ali Awad Abdullah Al-Qarni
the biography
Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Abdullah Radwan
the biography
Muqbil Muflih Alaklabi
the biography
Abdullah Mohammed Alhomairy
the biography
Basem Haider Mousi Al Hazmi
the biography
Dakhilallah Ayed Al-Qathami
the biography
Abdulaziz Abdullah Mohammed Al-Darani Al-Shahran
the biography
Rakan Al Mazroui
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Hamza Khaloufa Al-Marhabi
the biography
Dr. Maryam Ayed Saad Al-Shahrani
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Mona Mohammad Alamri
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Salha Mana Aljubiri
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Randa Ali Khader Al-Thebaiti
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Hela Dwefer Fahad Al-Shahrani
Assistant professor
the biography
Thoraya Namish Mohammed Al-Harthy
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Azza Muhammad Mashhan Al-Ghatheim
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Mariem Motawea
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Enas Taha Abdel-Salam Gado
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Sharbat Abdelrazik Mosa Bakr
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Walaa Helmy Fahmy El-Shwiniy
Associate professor
the biography
Dr. Gehan Mohamed Hassan
Associate professor
the biography
Dr. Muzdalifah of Abdul Aziz Al-Hussein, may God have mercy on him
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Emsaf Ali Omar Bubaker
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Badriya Ali Nasser Al Zahrani
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Najat Saeed Al Shahrani
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Rima Mohammed Kamhan Al-Jahmi
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Samar Saud Abdullah Al-Duraibi
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Noura Mohammed Fayez Al-Shahrani
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Maram Mohammed Nasser Al-Maqateef
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Rehab Ahmed Shehata
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Aisha Sheikh Muhammad Faqir
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Marwa Amer Al-Sayed
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Hind Abdel Moneim Alلاashir
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Lubna Mubarak Saeed Wahid
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Moudi Deraa Mufleh Al-Shahrani
Assistant professor
the biography
Prof. Dr. Somaya Mostafa Ismail Salem
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Reham M. Elbaz
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Mervat Abdel Alim Ahmed El-Alfy
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Rehab Maher Amin Mahmoud
Assistant professor
the biography
Dr. Safaa Abd El Rahman Abd El Kader Mosa
Assistant professor
the biography
Demah Nasser Al shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Ghada Mohammed Mohsen Al-Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Jameelah Safar Ayed Al Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Maha Ali Abdullah Alqarni
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Areej Abdulrahman Alshahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Bushra Hathir Alharthi
the biography
Dareen Nasser Ali Dorihan
the biography
Nawal Ali Alshahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Hind Saeed Al-Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Anhar Nasser Alqarni
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Monerah Mohammed Waza Alshahrani
the biography
Zabih Hamad Mosra' Al-Qahtani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Ohoud Yahya Hamed Al Ameri
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Amal Abdulrahman Amer Al-Suloli
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Amira Muhammad Sultan Al-Harthy
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Hanan Khafir Abdullah Al-Khathami
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Nora Shield Mufleh Al Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Hanan Mubarak AL-ghamdi
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Reem Ayed Salem Alrimthy Al Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Lamyaa Ali Saad alqarni
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Fawziah Mohammed Asiri
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Jinan Mufreh Marzouq Alotaibi
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Wafa Ali Abdullah Alshahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Mesbah Ghurom Mubarak Al-Shamrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Norah Hammoud Gharman Alshehri
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Sharifa Ghaithan Debsan Al-Harthy
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Abeer Yahya Hamed Al Ameri
the biography
Asmaa Mnahi Omar Da`ajani
the biography
Rif`ah Abdullah Fahad Al-Shahrani
the biography
Wejdan Saeed Ali Al-Ghamdi
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Nora Saad Hassan Al Subaie
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Hayat Ali Abdullah Alshamrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Khairiat Aguil Alamir
the biography
Bashir Mohammed Abdullah Al-Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Salha Mohammed Ali Al-Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Alia Saad Ali Al-Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Fatima Saad Hussein Al-Harthi
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Haya Fahd Abdullah Al-Shahrani
Lecturer Assistant
the biography
Abdulaziz mohammed libdan alghamdi
Scientific Laboratory Technician
the biography
Maryam Mohammed Hamed Al-Shahrani
Chemistry Department Secretariat
the biography
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