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About the University
University President
Vice Presidency for Educational Affairs
University Vice Presidency
Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Deanship of Admissions and Registration
College of Business
College of Computing and Information Technology
College of Engineering
College of Sciences
College of Medicine
College of Applied Medical Sciences in Al-Namas
College of Education and Human Development
College of Arts and Letters
Applied College
Applied College in Balqarn
Applied College in Al-Namas
Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Deanship of Admissions and Registration
Deanship of Development and Quality
Deanship of E-Learning and Transformation
Deanship of Student Affairs
Legal Department
Investment Management
International Cooperation Department
Cybersecurity Department
Inventory Control Department
Training and Scholarships Department
Planning and Budget Department
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Committees and units
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Committees and units
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The Permanent Committee for Supervision and Partnership of the Applied College
Tasks of the Committee:
Proposing the strategic plan for the college.
Suggesting the organizational structure and guide for the college and submitting it to the Coordinating Committee.
Approving programs and academic plans for the degrees offered by the college after obtaining the necessary authorization from the University Council.
Proposing the annual plan and operational plans for the college's programs, initiatives, and projects, and submitting them to the Coordinating Committee.
Defining annual performance indicators in light of the college's strategic plan.
Discussing the annual report of the college and the external auditor's report.
Recommending the determination of financial rewards for faculty members, staff, and students, as well as the eligibility criteria, provided they do not conflict with the financial regulations of the university.
Proposing strategic partnerships with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, and with the public and private sectors.
Proposing the financial rules and regulations for the college, ensuring they do not conflict with the financial regulations of universities.
The Executive Council of the Applied College
Tasks of the Council:
Proposing the strategic plan for the college.
Suggesting the organizational structure and guide for the college and submitting it to the Coordinating Committee.
Approving programs and academic plans for the degrees offered by the college after obtaining the necessary authorization from the University Council.
Proposing the annual plan and operational plans for the college's programs, initiatives, and projects, and submitting them to the Coordinating Committee.
Defining annual performance indicators in light of the college's strategic plan.
Discussing the annual report of the college and the external auditor's report.
Recommending the determination of financial rewards for faculty members, staff, and students, as well as the eligibility criteria, provided they do not conflict with the financial regulations of the university.
Proposing strategic partnerships with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, and with the public and private sectors.
Proposing financial rules and regulations for the college, ensuring they do not conflict with the financial regulations of universities.
The Permanent Committee for Programs and Plans
Committee Tasks:
Organizing and conducting workshops to propose and prepare new college programs.
Reviewing proposed study plans and ensuring they meet all required elements and standards.
Defining the reference framework to be used in constructing and modifying study plans.
Proposing arbitration bodies for study plans in coordination with related departments.
Conducting surveys to assess the alignment between labor market demands and the college's offered disciplines and programs.
Reviewing and updating current study plans and their outcomes in line with global standards and labor market requirements.
Ensuring that study plans comply with the standards of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) and align with the procedures defined by the Permanent Committee for Plans.
Coordinating between the college and the University's Study Plans Committee.
Maintaining copies of the plans and documents related to the college.
Developing and updating the content of books and scientific references, analyzing course-related textbooks, evaluating their objectives, structure, relevance to students, and consistency with the approved curricula.
The Permanent Committee for Internal Audit
Committee Tasks:
Reviewing course descriptions, objectives, content, references, and outcomes, and determining their alignment with desired learning outcomes according to accreditation body requirements.
Ensuring departmental councils approve the specifications of courses taught in various programs.
Verifying the availability of textbooks for courses by coordinating with the relevant entity.
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