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Achieving leadership in postgraduate programs and excellence in scientific research, which supports Bisha University’s position as a hub for knowledge and innovation at the local and international levels.​
* Providing qualitative and competitive postgraduate programs with continuous improvement of their outcomes, which contributes to achieving the strategic objectives of the university.
*  Providing qualitative resources to support excellence in postgraduate studies, scientific research, and innovation.
* Disseminating the culture of scientific research and innovation and encouraging distinguished students and faculty members.
* Enhancing partnerships with various sectors to contribute to addressing community issues and providing innovative solutions through scientific research.
* Optimal investment of human and material resources to advance scientific research and innovation.
* Enhancing international and local cooperation with universities and research institutions to exchange experiences and develop the outcomes of postgraduate studies and scientific research.
* Contributing to enhancing the university's position in academic circles locally and globally, in the field of postgraduate studies and scientific research.
* Increasing and enhancing the infrastructure and financial support necessary to advance the process of higher education and its continued progress.


Creating an attractive and supportive academic environment, and providing quality research resources, with the aim of improving the outcomes of postgraduate studies and scientific research, and activating local and international partnerships that contribute to scientific and creative enrichment, in line with development plans and meeting the needs of society.​

Latest News

Stay informed about the latest news and events at the University of Bisha
 The Deanship of Scientific Research announces a Scientific Meeting entitled:
The Deanship of Scientific Research announces a Scientific Meeting entitled:

Course presenter: Prof. Dr. Khalid Ali Abuhasel (Professor of Industrial Engineering and its Applications, College of Engineering) Date of Scientific Meeting: Tuesday, ​23/05/2023 (03/11/1444ـ) From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Via Blackboard at the following link​ Registration link on the Training Platform - Activities of the Deanship of Scientific Research ​​Contents of the scientific meeting:​ Defining the concept of creativity and innovation, and the difference between them, methods of developing creativity and innovation, ​transforming creative ideas into an operational reality, and using innovative methods in solving problems.​

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 The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at the University of Bisha invites you to attend the “Scientific Research Day”
The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at the University of Bisha invites you to attend the “Scientific Research Day”

The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is pleased to invite you to attend Scientific Research Day - (Tuesday - 06/11/1445 AH corresponding to 14/05/2024 AD) To announce the winners of the researcher awards.​​

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In conjunction with International Women
In conjunction with International Women's Day The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research announces the holding of a scientific meeting under the title: “The role of women in scientific research and innovation: towards sustainable empowerment

In conjunction with International Women's Day The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research announces the holding of a scientific meeting under the title: “The role of women in scientific research and innovation: towards sustainable empowerment” The first session: The efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to empower women in the field of scientific research and innovation Guest of the meeting: Dr. Mashael Nafea Al-Sahli Assistant Professor of Women's Entrepreneurship and former Advisor on Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Ministry of Education The second session: efforts of the University of Bisha to enhance women’s participation in scientific research Meeting presenter: Dr. Nawal Saad Alotaibi Vice Dean of the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research The third session: Factors affecting women’s participation in the field of scientific research and innovation and possible solutions Participation of an elite group of Saudi female researchers at the university The meeting is moderated by: Dr. Azza Muhammad Mushhin Al-Ghatheem Wednesday 20/03/2024 AD corresponding to 10/09/1445 AH From 09:30 PM to 12:00 AM via Blackboard at the following link: Registration link on the training platform - activities of the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

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 The Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Bisha announces incentives for scientific research for the year 2023/2024
The Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Bisha announces incentives for scientific research for the year 2023/2024

Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research announces incentives for scientific research 2023/2024 In continuation of the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research’s support for distinguished faculty members and the activation of the scientific publishing movement at the university, it announces incentives for the Deanship for the year 2023/2024. First: Scientific publishing awards for individuals: Award (Most published researcher in ISI) Award (Most Published Researcher in SCOPUS) Award (the most influential researcher according to the number of citations over last 3 years) Award (Scientific Innovation) Award (Excellence in Entrepreneurship) The prizes are as follows: First prize: (7500) riyals. Second prize: (6000) riyals. Third prize: (5000) riyals. Second: Scientific publishing awards for colleges: Award (most scientific publication at the level of scientific colleges) Award (most scientific publication at the level of humanities colleges) Submission period: Entries will be received during the period from Tuesday 27/02/2023 to Saturday 16/03/2023.

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 The Deanship of Scientific Research announces the holding of the scientific meeting under the title: Problems of Human Sciences Research
The Deanship of Scientific Research announces the holding of the scientific meeting under the title: Problems of Human Sciences Research

Course presenter: Dr. Sultan bin Obaid Al-Orabi​ (College of Education and Human Development)​ Date of Scientific Meeting: Wednesday, 14/02/2024 (04/08/1445) From 8:00 to 10:00 PM, Via Blackboard at the following link​​ Regis​tration link on the Training Platform - Activities of the Deanship of Scientific Research ​​​​ Contents of the Scientific Meeting: The problem of novelty; problematic topics; The problem of documentation and scientific integrity; The problem of academic plagiarism; The problem of the idea and elements of scientific research; The problem of multiplication; The problem of linguistic and spelling weakness; The problem of assigning research writing to others.

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The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organizes the scientific meeting under the title: Qualitative Research Designs
The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organizes the scientific meeting under the title: Qualitative Research Designs

Course presenter: Dr. ​​Haifa Mohammed Ahmed Al-Omari​ (College of Education and Human Development)​ Date of Scientific Meeting: Wednesday, 21/02/2024 (11/08/1445) From 9:30 to 11:00 A​M, Via Blackboard at the following link​ Regis​tration link on the Training Platform - Activities of the Deanship of Scientific Research ​​​​ ​​Contents of the Scientific Meeting:​ The most prominent qualitative research designs Steps to analyze qualitative data Strategies for enhancing the reliability of qualitative research​

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The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is organizing the scientific meeting under the title: The problem of a representative sample and how to prepare a successful questionnaire in scientific research “The efficiency of sampling and the
The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is organizing the scientific meeting under the title: The problem of a representative sample and how to prepare a successful questionnaire in scientific research “The efficiency of sampling and the

Course presenter: Prof. Dr. Fouzi Abdulrazaq (Bussiness College) Date of Scientific Meeting: Thursday, 08/02/2024 (27/07/1445) From 8:00 to 10:00 PM, Via Blackboard at the following link​ Regis​tration link on the Training Platform - Activities of the Deanship of Scientific Research ​​​​ Contents of the Scientific Meeting: - The course contains how to choose a representative sample of society in scientific research and methods of arranging, organizing and categorizing it to reflect the importance of the results that can be circulated to society as a whole, then explaining how to prepare a questionnaire form and methods of distributing it in light of the technological development of social communication.​​

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The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organizes a Scientific Meeting entitled: Modeling of dengue disease with impact of seasonality and vertical transmission in mosquitos in Saudi Arabia
The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organizes a Scientific Meeting entitled: Modeling of dengue disease with impact of seasonality and vertical transmission in mosquitos in Saudi Arabia

Course presenter: Dr. Ahuod Alsheri (Vice Dean College of applied medical sciences -AL NAMAS) Date of Scientific Meeting: Wednesday, 31/01/2024 (19/07/1445) From 7:00 to 9:00 PM, Via Blackboard at the following link Regis​tration link on the Training Platform - Activities of the Deanship of Scientific Research ​​​ Contents of the Scientific Meeting: Modeling of dengue disease I​mpact of seasonality and vertical transmission in mosquitos in saudi arabia ​​

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The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organizes a Scientific Meeting entitled: Researcher skills
The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organizes a Scientific Meeting entitled: Researcher skills

Course presenter: Dr. Al-Rashid Ismail Mahmoud Zaid (Applied​ College -AL NAMAS) Date of Scientific Meeting: Wednesday, 30/01/2024 (18/07/1445) From 8:00 to 10:00 PM, Via Blackboard at the following link​ Regis​tration link on the Training Platform - Activities of the Deanship of Scientific Research ​​​ Contents of the Scientific Meeting: - Upgrading researcher skills - Enhancing the scientific and technical skills of the researcher - Skills to accelerate research, publication, and impact factor for the researcher​

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Deanship Quote

Through its postgraduate programs and the activation of its academic and research achievements, Bisha University seeks to provide quality programs for distinguished students in priority areas that cover different scopes and keep pace with the requirements of society and the needs of the changing labor market locally and globally in accordance with the development visions of our beloved Kingdom. The Deanship has taken many academic, administrative and technical development measures and procedures to ensure achieving the highest levels of quality in creating postgraduate programs that are compatible with the requirements of the labor market, attracting the best student elements to join them, following up on their academic affairs until they graduate, continuing to communicate with them and fulfilling the desires of the relevant parties. Based on the importance of scientific research and its strategic and pivotal role in the knowledge industry, the advancement and progress of societies, and the advancement of the wheel of development, the Deanship seeks to serve and develop the research movement in many fields and support researchers by providing various scientific research support programs that contribute to enriching knowledge and developing the scientific research process in a sustainable manner with the aim of continuing the path of cognitive and technical development, through investing in research and innovation and supporting and encouraging local and global research and community partnerships to participate in achieving comprehensive development in our beloved country. From this standpoint, the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is keen to achieve your hopes and aspirations by providing an educational environment that stimulates excellence in higher education and scientific research, and contributing to facilitating administrative and academic procedures. Efforts are still ongoing to develop the scientific research and graduate studies system and improve the skills and capabilities of its members in cooperation with the university colleges and supporting bodies, whether from within or outside the university, towards achieving excellence in graduating a national human capital of students and a generation of qualified researchers consistent with the goals of Vision 2030. Asking God Almighty for success and guidance

Dr. Saad Melhi Z Alshahrani العميد

Activities and Events

Activities and Events
اسم النشاط يمكن ان يستبدل
calendar 11-12-2024 12:00 AM
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