​​Fast-Track Research Support Program

Program description:
The program aims to encourage researchers at the University of Bisha to publish good quality research in journals indexed in the (Web of Science) or SCOPUS databases. And support them to publish articles with easy and fast procedures, as it provides the opportunity to obtain support without the need for administrative and financial procedures for the usual financing. The researchers can apply for research support according to the facilitated procedures by submitting a request for support after the research article appears in the (Web of Science) or SCOPUS databases.​
Program vision:
Creating a competitive environment among faculty members in the field of scientific research and its applications.
Program message:
Creating a research environment to help researchers and faculty members to carry out their tasks in the field of research and community service.
Program Objectives:
Encouraging faculty members at the University of Bisha to do scientific research and benefit from their research capabilities.
- Spreading the culture of scientific research and innovation and developing positive attitudes towards it.
- Spreading the spirit of competition among faculty members towards research excellence.
- Preparing a distinguished generation of researchers that contributes to achieving the strategic plan of the University of Bisha and the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in the light of the Kingdom's 2030 vision.
Submission conditions:

1. The researcher must be a faculty member at the University of Bisha when submitting the application.

2. ​The publications are supported which will be published after the date of the program's announcement, and articles published in previous years will not be accepted, provided that the reward is paid for one article only once, if it is not supported by any other program within the University of Bisha.

3. The article should be published in final form and appears on the Journal's website, showing the following information: publication date, Volume (issue) and page number.

4. The Journal in which the article is published should be indexed in the Web of Science or SCOPUS databases, and has the impact factor and quartile according to the Journal Citation Report (JCR) (Q1,-Q4) for Web of Science or SCOPUS Journal Rank for SCOPUS indexed Journal, hence Emerging Sources Citation Index with impact factor are not accepted.

5. If the Journal belongs to more than one Categories, the percentage of support is calculated based on the highest category.

6. The published research accepted for support is the scientific papers that are refereed, either an Original Article or a Review article, and nothing else is accepted.

7. The applicant researcher must have an active account showing his affiliation with the University of Bisha in following database:

    • ORCID
    • SCOPUS
    • Google Scholar
8. That all the researchers from the University of Bisha must write their only Affiliation with the University of Bisha in the published article as follows:

Department of …………………, College of​ …………….., University of Bisha, P.O Box…….., Bisha, Saudi Arabia

9. Research publication in which the affiliation is written incorrectly or abbreviated as UB, Bisha University, SA, KSA, and likewise will not be accepted. Accordingly, the affiliation must include the accurate name of the University as (University of Bisha), the name of the city (Bisha), or the name of the city to which the college belongs, and the name of the country (Saudi Arabia).

10. Appropriate and approved​​ acknowledgment to the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research must also be written as:

The authors are thankful to the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at University of Bisha for supporting this work through the Fast-Track Research Support Program.

11. Fill out the Request Form for Fast-Track Research Support Program and Fill out the Request Form for Fast-Track Research Support Program and attach the full published article along with abstract from Web of Science or SCOPUS database ​then submit the form​ to the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research​ at the official email (dsr@ub.edu.sa​​) .

12. If there is more than one published article, the form shall be filled out for each article separately.

13. Submitting a request for support is limited to the researcher from University of Bisha who comes first in the authors list in the published paper provided that coordination takes place with the rest of the participating researchers to determine the perc​entage of participation and aspects of disbursement, according to the approved form signed by all the participating researchers from the University of Bisha, and no financial disputes will be considered that may occur between researchers.

14. The reward will be paid to the applicant researcher according to item (13) and signed by all the participating researchers from the University of Bisha, provided that he distributes the amount to each participant according to the request form (Item First: B).

15. The request is reviewed and approved by the Council of Deanship of Graduate Studies and​ Scientific Research, working according to this mechanism as of the date of its approval.

16. The financial rewards are disbursed after the article published in its final form based on what is available from the annual budget of the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, as shown in the following Table:

Web of ScienceSCOPUS


*  Submit the form​ to the Deanship of ​Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at the official email​: (dsr@ub.edu.sa​​). ​  

Request Form for Fast-Track Research Support Program can be downloaded from the link below:

Request Form for Fast-Track Research Support Program.docx