• Entity official:

 Praise to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after:

• At the beginning of my speech, it gives me pleasure to welcome you to the introductory website of the Internal review Unit which was established according to the decision of His Excellency the President of the University No. 58/4/63284 dated 26/6/1437 AH, in accordance of the Council of Ministers decision No. (235) dated 8/20/1425 AH, to establish internal review units in each entity covered by the control of the General Monitoring Office; its president is associated with the chief official in the authority.

And the consolidated list of internal review units issued by The Council of Ministers decision No. (129) and the date of 6/4/1428 H is the main reference for the work of the unit.

It is a department with an independent activity that aims to raise the level and quality of the administrative, financial and technical work at the university by providing recommendations and necessary consultations to the various departments and assisting the higher management at the university in achieving its goals and ensuring that the set goals are accomplished in accordance with the set plans, and also to ensure that all sectors and departments of the university adhere to the regulations And the regulations in force in the country apparatus and to uncover, follow-up and correct the points of defects and deficiencies in the field of work of these departments.

And because of the large number of administrative and educational bodies at the university and the diversity of their specializations, and the lack of a clear and unified mechanism to follow up the work of these bodies and to ensure that their work is proceeding in the right direction and in a way that achieves the goals and plans drawn up, it has become necessary to have an independent department at the university that is concerned with following up and monitoring performance in all sectors of the university and its departments and application of regulations And instructions to ensure their effectiveness and adequacy and lead to the optimal use of available resources.

I would not miss in this speech to extend my utmost thanks and gratitude to the Director of the University - may God bless him - for the great interest he attaches to this unit and his eagerness to activate its role in the university. I ask God to grant us all success in what he loves and pleased and for what is good and righteous for this university, elevation and progress for this generous nation and thank Allah the god of everything.

• Director of the Internal review Department

Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Asiri