About the department:
Information systems is an applied scientific discipline that contributes to developing students' applied and administrative computer skills. It includes courses in various fields of computers, including databases, networks, programming, software engineering and web development, which enables graduates of this specialization to become familiar with the requirements of the times in modern technology. The department aims to rehabilitate graduates holding diplomas who have the necessary competence to meet the needs of society in its private and public institutions, equipped with modern knowledge and commensurate with the great developments in computers.
See section:
Providing high-quality education that qualifies the student scientifically and professionally in the field of computers in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
Department message:
Excellence in qualifying highly qualified students in the field of information systems and responding flexibly and effectively to the rapid development in information technology
Department goals:
1- Graduating qualified national cadres that contribute to meeting the needs of the labor market
2- Excellence in providing specialized scientific programs in the field of computers according to the needs of society
3- Building an advanced scientific and knowledge base in the field of computers
4- Expand the use of learning techniques by teachers and students
5- Achieving twinning and partnership with colleges and scientific, governmental and private centers
6- Providing an opportunity for students to be able to continue studying in the corresponding departments to complete the bachelor's stage.
Coordinator: Dr. Arafat Abdul Qader Muhammad Haj Babiker